The Next Generation

The ENhanced Scala Interaction Mode for text Editors is an LSP tooling project that started in 2010 and brought together hundreds of Free Software contributors from diverse backgrounds. At its peak, 10% of Scala developers were using ENSIME to write Scala.

ENSIME pioneered community-oriented development in the Scala community and was the first to introduce a truly inclusive code of conduct. In 2018, the Scala Center chose to fund a fresh alternative. ENSIME lost its relevance and the community disbanded.

In 2022, ENSIME was relaunched as an invite-only project for hobbyists who write tooling to make their lives a little bit more joyful. Specifically, ENSIME:TNG has a minimalistic design, and is easy-going on laptop battery life. The features are:

Public snapshot releases appear here at the discretion of the authors. ENSIME is free software so you can run it, change it, and share it. If there is something you would like to contribute back, please let me know about it on the Scala Contributors forum (or a direct message).

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